An Innovative Opportunity for Business and Job Candidates
Try-Out Employment: An Innovative Opportunity for Business and Job Candidates Southeast KANSASWORKS has received significant feedback from their employer partners concerning the difficulty in maintaining long-term, stable employees, and the decline in […]
INTERVIEW PREP: The Cover Letter – Include a cover letter… (read more)
Ready to submit your resume? You have one more thing to attach with it. Include a cover letter with each resume that you send to a prospective employer. Use the […]
Dealing with the Negative – Job Interviews Part 2
This post continues our review on how to deal with negative information during your job application and interview process. Here are some tips for dealing with specific negative information: Fired: […]
Dealing With Negative Information During Your Interview
We all have things that we fear may negatively influence a potential employer. Negative information, like being fired from your last job, lacking proper education or having a criminal record, […]
Interview Body Language (It’s as important as your words!)
During the interview, how you act is almost important as what you say. Your posture and facial expressions can tell the interviewer a lot about you. Look at the interviewer […]