Facilitator for Human Center Designed Project Small Purchase Procurement

Local Area 1 & 5

Kansas WorkforceONE and Southeast KANSASWORKS are conducting a small purchase procurement from either a public, private, educational or non-profit entity to host a series of focus groups among local employers and jobs seekers utilizing the Customer Centered Design approach. The purpose of the focus groups are to uncover how organizational change in policy might attract potential employees, that otherwise may not participate in the labor force; and how changes in policy might require different methods of providing services or service delivery of on-the job-trainings. The focus groups will include discouraged workers, retired individuals (55 and older), ex-offenders and individuals with disabilities.

Focus group sessions will be conducted in the following locations: Hays, Salina, Hutchinson and Garden City for Kansas WorkforceONE and Parsons, Coffeyville, Iola and Ft. Scott for Southeast KANSASWORKS.

Submit bids to Deb Scheibler at [email protected] by Monday, February 4, 2019. Questions may be directed to Deb Scheibler or Irene Brenon at [email protected].

Requirements – Click here

Local Area 5

Southeast KANSASWORKS are conducting a small purchase procurement from either a public, private, educational or non-profit entity to host a series of focus groups among local employers and jobs seekers utilizing the Customer Centered Design approach.  The purpose of the focus groups are to uncover how organizational change in policy might attract potential employees, that otherwise may not participate in the labor force; and how changes in policy might require different methods of providing services or service delivery of on-the job-trainings. The focus groups will include discouraged workers, retired individuals (55 and older), ex-offenders and individuals with disabilities.  The second component of this would be to provide coaching/mentoring to job seekers as they navigate the hiring process or obtain employment through work-based learning.

Focus group sessions will be
conducted in Emporia.

Submit bids to Irene Brenon at [email protected]. For questions, please contact Irene by email or phone at 414-403-7021.

Requirements – Click here

Questions and Answers re: Focus Group RFB

The following are the answers to your questions on the Facilitator RFP.

1. With the timeframe for the project- is the idea of the focus groups to collect information in preparation for Ideation, Prototyping, Synthesizing, and Testing? Or will Ideation, Prototyping etc. be happening alongside with the focus groups, making the focus groups part of the of the interviewing and testing?

Ideation and Prototyping should occur along with the focus groups with the focus group participants being a part of the interviewing and testing.

2. What role will the facilitator have with prototyping, synthesizing and testing of data- I am trying to get a feel of the final report and if it would be recommendation/best practices based or if there would be other activities that the facilitator would need to capture in the final report.

The final report should incorporate the synthesizing and testing of the data, including recommendations.

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