The Workforce Investment Opportunity Act requires local governance, oversight, and fiscal responsibility for all programs at SEKWORKS. The board, known as the Local Workforce Investment Board reports to County Representatives – a board of elected County Commissions from across the seven county region. These boards hire and manage the leadership team responsible for the daily operations of Southeast KANSASWORKS.
Minimum WIOA Composition 19 Members
- 10 Business = 51%
- 4 Representatives of the Local Workforce = 20%
- 2 minimum = Labor, including a training director or joint apprenticeship
- 2 maximum = CBOs and organizations with “experience and expertise” serving individuals with barriers, disabilities and/or youth
- 1 representative of eligible providers of adult education/literacy or training
- 1 representative of higher education (including community colleges)
- 1 representative of economic and community development entities
- 1 representative of State employment services under Wagner-Peyser
- 1 representative of title I Rehabilitation Act of 1973 serving the local area
Composition And Nomination Process Criteria
- Business (includes chairperson)
- Business members must be owners, chief executives or operating officers of businesses, or other business executives or employers with optimum policymaking or hiring authority.
- Members must represent organizations which provide employment opportunities including high quality, work relevant training and development in in-demand industry sectors or occupations in the local area.
- Business nominations must be made by local business organizations or business trade organizations.
- Businesses must have at least 2 employees other than the owner or partners.
- The LWDB Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected from among business representation.
- Labor Organizations (two required)
- Labor organization representatives must have been nominated by local labor federations or by other representatives of employees if in a local area in which no employees are represented by such organizations.
- Apprenticeship Programs.
- A representative of a labor organization or training director from a joint labor-management apprenticeship program, or if no such joint program exists in the area, a representative of an apprenticeship program, if one exists.
- Community-based Organizations (optional)
Representatives of CBOs that have demonstrated experience and expertise in addressing employment needs of individuals with barriers to employment including those that serve veterans or that provide or support competitive integrated employment for individuals with disabilities.
- Title II Adult Education and Literacy
- Higher Education – A representative of institutions of higher education providing workforce investment activities (including community colleges).
- Economic and Community Development – A representative of economic and community development entities
- Title III Wagner-Peyser Program
- A representative of the programs carried out under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Members of the board that represent businesses must be individuals with optimum policymaking authority within the organizations, agencies, or entities.
- Members of the board shall represent diverse geographic areas within the local area.
- Chief-elected officials have the option of appointing additional members as deemed appropriate; however, officials are advised to keep in mind that appointing additional members will increase the overall size of the board. In particular, if the additional appointees are not business representatives, then additional business appointments may be required to maintain a business majority.
- Chief-elected officials should make board appointments with staggered term durations to ensure continuity and stability for board operation.
- Members that would normally require nomination for appointment by the CEO (business, labor union, higher education, Title II) may be “grandfathered” onto LWDBs if they fit within the WIOA compliant membership LWIBs.
- Appointees may represent more than one membership category.